Friday, May 31, 2019
adam smith Essays -- essays research papers
Adam Smith And Jean Jacques RousseauADAM SMITH AND JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU.Adam Smith(1723-1790) and Jean Jacques Rousseau(1712-1770) each provide their own distinctive companionable thought. Smith, political economist and moral philosopher, is regarded as the father of modern economics. Rousseau, a Franco-Swiss social and political philosopher, combines enlightenment and semi-romantic themes in his take. Thus Smiths work places emphasis on the relationship between economics and society, whereas, Rousseau focuses his attention on the social inequalities within society. Therefore, Smith and Rousseau, of the Scottish and Continental Enlightenment respectively, provide uncomparable insights on their existing society.Adam Smith is one of the main figures in the Scottish Enlightenment. Smiths main concern was the establishment of the free market, as laid out in his work The Wealth of Nations(1776). In the Wealth of Nations, Smith is very critical of the division of labour. The emphasis falls equally on the economic and social consequences of the division of labour(Smith, 199826). Moreover, What is significant about the contribution of the Scottish Enlightenment to Sociology is the clear awareness that society constituted a process, the product of circumstantial economic, social, and historical forces that could be identified and analyzed through methods of empirical science. Society was a category of historical investigation, the result of objective, material causes(Smith, 199826). Smith...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Life is Calling: How Far Will You Go? :: Peace Core Essays
Life is Calling How Far Will You Go? There are many organizations today that service of process great causes and one in particular that I find most imperative. The calm nerve is an organization whose foundation is set on volunteers who dedicate two years or more to a cause they find worthy of their time and energy. The amount of aid and support the Peace marrow squash has given to numerous other countries is overwhelming. The number of countries served and how many people have benefited are just a couple of the notable statistics the Peace Core has achieved. Besides these statistics the Peace Core has something else to offer, inspiration. The Peace Core inspires. Helping others, taking a risk, going somewhere new, experiencing something hands-on are characteristics of the Peace Core that are never left unsaid. un wish other organizations where money is donated and occasional fundraisers are held, the Peace Core offers a personal experience. The stories and memories will never be lost or forgotten like twenty dollars easily can, when it is handed over without distinction to some other organization. There are three websites that portray the values and influential qualities of the Peace Core and I encourage people to explore them here and discover the goals and characteristics of the Peace Core that humanize our lives. In 1961 John F. Kennedy challenged the students of the University of Michigan to live and work in a foreign developing country to help bring peace and education. The challenge that Kennedy proposed, inspired the organization known as the Peace Core to develop. The Peace Core was officially established on the first of March in 1961. Today, the Peace Core has gone global and is recognized for its accomplishments in AIDS/human immunodeficiency virus education, technological and business development, and restoring the environment. The principle of the Peace Core is to bring world peace and friendship between countries. Th e Peace Core is solely made up of volunteers to further display that the Peace Core is not money oriented but goal oriented focusing on bringing education and delight to people and countries that need it. The Peace Core is such a huge organization and is the subject of countless websites.
Journalism Essay -- Communication, News Stories, Newspaper
news media has become a job carrying enormous personal rewards. Indeed, it is difficult, chalenging (e.g. physic all(prenominal)y, emotionally, ethically, politically), yet again - it is fun. Journalism requires master a multiple range of knowledge and skills (Hicks 2008 Brighton 2007 Randall 2007). This essay has the task to identify the key sources and methods I have used gathering information for my 332MC intelligence activity and Features (aka. 332MC) articles portfolio, as well as give a comment to what I have learned running(a) individually and collectively in teams in the mingled come out tasks through this module. A critical discussion on various journalism issues, such as news values, objectivity, sources, identifying a readership, interviewing techniques and information gathering get out be included (Machin 2006 Allan 2005). In order to build on my skills and theoretical knowledge essential through my practice in categorys one and twain of this course, this year I tried to develop my awarness of the concept of researching and presenting news and feature arcicles in print. As McQuail says journalism is not produced in vacuum (in an analogy borrowed from Harcup 2004), but a convergence developed within a range structural factors and influences, as well as law constraints and market forces (Allan 2005 Shoemaker 2006 Machin 2006). To begin with, one of the first and most(prenominal) definitive things I improved this year was the quality of research and the use of primary sources as a basis for my articles. People, places or organisations - these are the most vitabal originate of the journalism practice (Machin 2006 Brighton 2007). Tony Harcup suggests that sources are where potential news stories originate (Harcup 2004 44). News is what an authorit... ... finding news sotries could also be charity societies, community groups, regulatory bodies, pubs, noticeboards, news releases, hospitals, council departments, etc. Information is everywher e, all a journalists have to do is go, get it and transform it into their own masterpiece(Harcup 2004 Hicks 2008 Shoemaker 2006 Cole 2010). To me, journalism seems to be one of the most exciting jobs in this world. When working as a journalist you get the chance to meet powerful, interesting and ispiring people, heroes, vilians and celebrities. Journalists indeed inform the society about itself and are concerned with making public that which would differently be private (Harcup 2004 2). This profession gives a chance to be one of the first to know something and to tell the world, as well as an opportunity to indulge ones resentment for writing, activate and knowledge. Journalism Essay -- Communication, News Stories, NewspaperJournalism has become a job carrying enormous personal rewards. Indeed, it is difficult, chalenging (e.g. physically, emotionally, ethically, politically), yet again - it is fun. Journalism requires mastering a multiple range of knowledge and skills (Hicks 2008 Brighton 2007 Randall 2007). This essay has the task to identify the key sources and methods I have used gathering information for my 332MC News and Features (aka. 332MC) articles portfolio, as well as give a comment to what I have learned working individually and collectively in teams in the various project tasks through this module. A critical discussion on various journalism issues, such as news values, objectivity, sources, identifying a readership, interviewing techniques and information gathering will be included (Machin 2006 Allan 2005). In order to build on my skills and theoretical knowledge developed through my practice in years one and two of this course, this year I tried to develop my awarness of the concept of researching and presenting news and feature arcicles in print. As McQuail says journalism is not produced in vacuum (in an analogy borrowed from Harcup 2004), but a product developed within a range structural factors and influences, as well as law constraints and market forces (Allan 2005 Shoemaker 2006 Machin 2006). To begin with, one of the first and most important things I improved this year was the quality of research and the use of primary sources as a basis for my articles. People, places or organisations - these are the most vitabal part of the journalism practice (Machin 2006 Brighton 2007). Tony Harcup suggests that sources are where potential news stories originate (Harcup 2004 44). News is what an authorit... ... finding news sotries could also be charity societies, community groups, regulatory bodies, pubs, noticeboards, news releases, hospitals, council departments, etc. Information is everywhere, all a journalists have to do is go, get it and transform it into their own masterpiece(Harcup 2004 Hicks 2008 Shoemaker 2006 Cole 2010). To me, journalism seems to be one of the most exciting jobs in this world. When working as a journalist you get the chance to meet powerful, interesting and ispiring people, h eroes, vilians and celebrities. Journalists indeed inform the society about itself and are concerned with making public that which would otherwise be private (Harcup 2004 2). This profession gives a chance to be one of the first to know something and to tell the world, as well as an opportunity to indulge ones passion for writing, travel and knowledge.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Depiction and Development of the Knight Hero in Wolfram von Eschenbachââ¬â¢
Introduction atomic number 74 von Eschenbachs epic poem Parzival stands as one of the richest andmost effectual lit eonry works to have survived from the middle ages. Lost in obscurity forcenturies until rediscovered and republished by Karl Lachmann in 1833, the poemenjoyed at least as great a popularity when it was first composed as it does amongtodays readers Some eighty manuscripts have been preserved, in whole or in part,from Wolframs era (Poag 40). Among the more intriguing aspects of the work isWolframs handling of the depiction and development of two of the storys primarycharacters, the knights Gahmuret and Parzival, father and son. Central to the execution ofthe text from its inception, yet never sharing a scene, these men function as the poemsheroeslarger-than-life figures of extraordinary strength, skill and courage whose notable achievements and bravery carry the momentum of the story. These menrepresent the classic knightly warriors of old who (at least ideally) dedicat ed theirenergies and passions above all else to the noble pursuit of fame, keep and valor.Indeed, in the course of discussing heroic development in Parzival, one must also notethe main characters chivalric development, as their natural proclivity and tendencies asknights are clearly reflected and reinforced in their heroic manner and mien.In the course of this investigation I wish to analyze the ways in which Wolframdepicts these knighly heroes and their development. In this way I shall attempt toachieve a better understanding of how Wolframand, by extension, the men of histimethemselves understood the themes and events he describes. I shall also includethe critical perspectives of scholars whose have previously c... ...its, thoughnot always attained thorough strict maintenance of precepts such as Campbells, isand by chance for that very reasonthe stuff of great literature.Works CitedCampbell, Joseph. Myths to Live By. current York Viking, 1972.Cousineau, Phil, Ed. The Heros Jou rney The World of Joseph Campbell. SanFrancisco Harper & Row, 1990.Eschenbach, Wolfram von. Parzival. English Trans., Ed. Andr Lefevere. New York Continuum, 1991.-. Parzival. German Trans. Wolfgang Mohr. Gppingen Alfred Kmmerle, 1977.Hasty, Will. Introduction. A Companion to Wolframs Parzival. Columbia CamdenHouse, 1999.Poag, James F. Wolfram von Eschenbach. New York Twayne, 1972.Sacker, Hugh. An Introduction to Wolframs Parzival. Cambridge Cambridge U P,1963Weigand, Hermann. Wolframs Parzival Five Essays with an Introduction. Ithaca Cornell U P, 1969.
Malvolio in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay -- Malvolio Will
Malvolio in William Shakespeares Twelfth shadow The problem involving Malvolio in Twelfth Night has been known for a long time but still very difficult. The gist of it is this. A lot of modern readers or spectators feel that the means in which Malvolio is treated is extremely bad. We expect him to become the centre of humour we know that in the business of comedy, a very puritanical and rather joyless render is likely to receive comedic humiliation but in this case the humiliation that Malvolio gets, seems protracted and harsh. The harshness of Malvolios treatment seemed to also have a negative import on the ending, his attitude seemed to cloud the joyful atmosphere. We could argue that Malvolio bought this mistreatment on himself and perhaps deserved it after his bad treatment of the other characters In some way Malvolio thought that he had superiority over Feste and as a result treated him unsympathetically and intolerantly. He also put Feste down repeatedly. Malvolio was also a killjoy and during the play ...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Will Determinism Essay -- essays research papers
Every day in our lives and everything we do involves approximately degree of decision making or choice selection either intellectual or physical. We start making choices and decisions from the significance we wake up everyday to the second we sleep. Some decisions we make are blatantly obvious to ourselves because of our need to beam on the choices before choosing. However, most decisions we make throughout the day are make without much thought. We are even, quite often, insensible that we are making decisions repayable to habituation and preference. Before going further, we must define the terms trim will, determinism and fate or destiny. Free will is the ability to choose. Furthermore, it is the power of making escaped choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate. Fate, or destiny, can be defined as the inevitable events predestined by this force. However, thither is a better position to take when it comes to arguing against innoce nt will and that position, or belief, is called determinism. Determinism states that the conditions at one moment are the necessary result from the previous conditions. Simply put, every effect has a cause, every action is predetermined. Unlike fate or destiny, it does not stand for the future is already established. It is one thing to say that our choice is caused. It is another thing to say that we do not choose, and fate says, we cannot choose. This is definitely an endless short letter given that it is a matter of personal opinion with no facts involved. However, assoil will definitely seems like the most plausible standpoint. We do have free will.First of all, we can all experience something within ourselves that we can conclude to be a decision making process. These decisions we make are obviously made from our own will and not determined by anything other than ourselves. Baron Holbach, an 18th century French philosopher, believes that free will is an illusion. According to Holbach, we have no choice in anything because everything is predetermined. Holbach also states that our decision making boils down to preference. For example, if Bob walked into an ice cream store filled with numerous flavors, it would seem that Bob is free to choose any flavor he wants. Holbach would have to argue that Bob has already made a decision in his mind before paseo in due to vanilla being his favorite flavor, h... ... that neurons firing chemicals and so forth could have deterministically resulted in his choice of vanilla. There are arguments which claim that free will is an illusion. It is an illusion that we accept because of our inability to observe all of the processes going on involved with making a choice. Basically, this point of view states that we are unaware and have a lack of understanding for numerous processes present within human thought. Despite the differences between free will and determinism or fatalism, there is some middle ground. Libertarian is th e belief that free will is affected by human nature but retains ability to choose contrary to our nature and desires. This is a commensurateness between the ideas from free will and determinism. This is a good stance because of its incorporation of both views. This whole argument about free will is purely subjective. However, it seems that there are stronger arguments for the idea of free will as opposed to determinism and fatalism. As was stated earlier, it would seem rather pessimistic to view the world as a determinist. Just by being a determinist, one is choosing not to believe in free will which is an example of free will in itself.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles
In todays society not every hotshot has heard of the theory of multiple eruditions however most people put one across heard of driveing movements. Even in the education field, educators may not be able to correctly define both. Are multiple intelligences and acquire looks both different names of the same thing? This paper will discuss their differences and similarities. According to Dunn, Denig, and Lovelace (2001) Multiple Intelligences addresses what is taught, while acquisition musical mode addresses how it is taught, and in what context (p. 11).Learning style look into has evidenced that any content can be mastered when taught through students strengths. The Oxford dictionary defines Intelligence as the ability to acquire and apply companionship and skills. The word intelligence is derived from the Latin verb intelligere meaning to comprehend or perceive. The word intelligence was first used in the 14th century. Early beliefs in intelligence stated that intelligence co uld be scrutinyed with a series of questions and the higher a soul scored the more intelligent that person was believed to be.The first intelligence test used was developed by psychologist Alfred Binet in 1904 (Wade & Tarvis, 2012). The first intelligence tests used were used for the purpose of identifying slow children in school. Binets intelligence test tried the mental age of children. In 1905 Binet and his colleague Theordore Simon developed a test that measured memory, vocabulary and perceptual discrimination.Later a scoring system was developed to order the intelligence quotient based on mental age and chronological age. The early intelligence quotient test did have some flaws and the scoring system did not action well for adults so todays intelligence quotient tests atomic number 18 scored differently than the beginning of the intelligence quotient tests. Multiple intelligences is a theory developed by Howard Gardner in 1983 that shows that mathematics and language were not the only way to test intelligence.Gardners multiple intelligence theory rejected the traditional and long-held view that aptitude consists alone of the ability to reason and understand complex ideas (Edutopia Staff, 2009). Gardner based his theory on previous physiological studies and had no empirical research to support his theory. Even without research to support the theory, his theory still has popular support. Gardners theory of multiple intelligences states that there are at least nine-spot different kinds of intelligences.These are the nine different kinds of intelligences, Linguistic genius for reading, poetry and all things literary and linguistic Logical-mathematical talent for math and science Spatial/visual talent for images, drawings, construction games and tactile puzzles Kinesthetic talent for using a persons whole body or parts of the body, activities that involve touch and movement Interpersonal talent for working with others Intrapersonal talent for underst anding oneself Naturalistic talent for the natural world, plants, animals, and rocks and Existential talent for understanding philosophically and theoretically.Learning styles are the preferred style of learning that a person believes works the best for that person to gain knowledge based on their strengths, weaknesses and preferences. Learning styles are sometimes called learning preferences. So, a learning style is a preferred way of learning and studying for example, using pictures instead of text working in groups as opposed to working alone or learning in a structured rather than an unstructured manner (Pritchard, 2009, p. 41). There are three learning style Auditory prefer to learn by hearing Visual prefer to learn by seeing and Kinesthetic prefer to learn by doing.According to Dunn, Denig, and Lovelace (2001) learners are influenced by twenty one elements although not all learners are matched by all 21, most are affected by six to fourteen elements. These twenty one elements that affect learners are classified into five different variables Psychological perceptual, intake, time and mobility Environmental sound, light, temperature and design Emotional motivation, persistence, responsibility and structure Sociological self, pair, peers, team, adult and varied and physiological global/analytic, hemisphericity, and impulsive/reflective.By identifying each learners learning style teachers and learners can capitalize on the learners strengths and weaknesses. Most learners have a primary learning style however it may not be the only learning style that learner has. Some learners have a secondary learning style which can be used to reinforce initial learning. Pritchard (2009) found there is a possible drawback to helping children to identify their particular learning style if a child is given a particular learning stylelabel, it is possible that they will center their learning on this one approach to learning and even abnegate to work in other modes. Many pe ople believe that Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles are the same thing just worded differently. The main difference mingled with multiple intelligences and learning styles is multiple intelligences addresses what is learned and learning styles address how it is learned. Multiple intelligences and learning styles are similar in that both are that both are individualized to each learner.It is important to understand the differences and similarities of multiple intelligences and learning styles so that each person can understand what works best for them and how they learn. The process by which people learn is different from person to person. This paper was used to highlight general intelligence, the types of multiple intelligences and learning styles. Multiple intelligences and learning styles vary greatly from person to person. Each person should figure out how they learn for their best opportunity for effective and lasting learning. A one size fits all approach to learning will never work for all learners.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Today Im goanna talk about the difference between college applications in America and that in China. First of all, the requirement. In America we need a lot of things to apply to colleges, such as GAP SAT Recommendations essays and all sorts of things that outhouse reflect you as a person. In china all we need is to take one immersion exam, called okay, which takes place once a year. It includes four subjects, math, Chinese, English, science.Each college has a particular score you flummox to get on that test in order to get in. K Advantages. In china, the system Is fair because everyone will be taking the same test. No matter who you are, you score will be based only on how well you did on that test. And whether you can get in colleges or not Is based solely on that score you get. So everyone has the same chance. In America, students are valued based on overall qualities, so whether we can get In college or not Is based on our abilities as a person rather than as a student.Also since we students are valued on so many things, we eave more opportunities to make our profiles look stronger, as opposed to that In china, where we only have one chance for that test. K instantly lets talk about disadvantages. In china, to prepare for the entrance test Is very time-consuming. It usually takes three years to prepare for that test. Also the fact that It takes place only once a year makes It harder and more overwhelming. The disadvantage In America Is Its nontransparent, for there Is truly no analogous standard of acceptance.We do not really how the decisions are made by admissions There are different causes behind each system. In china, the population Is large, so colleges do not have the come apart to get to know each of the students Like the way American colleges do. Also since almost all colleges are public colleges In china, we need to a like standard to everyone. In America, people come from diverse cultures, so It Is necessary to get to know each student. Also since most colleges are private-owned In America, the admissions have the absolute right to make decisions. K Advantages. N china, the system is fair because everyone will be taking the same test. And whether you can get in colleges or not is based solely on that score you get. Qualities, so whether we can get in college or not is based on our abilities as a person have more opportunities to make our profiles look stronger, as opposed to that in K now lets talk about disadvantages. In china, to prepare for the entrance test is fact that it takes place only once a year makes it harder and more overwhelming.The disadvantage in America is its nontransparent, for there is really no uniform tankard of acceptance. We do not really how the decisions are made by admissions There are different causes behind each system. In china, the population is large, so colleges do not have the spirit to get to know each of the students like the way American colleges do. Also since almost all colleg es are public colleges in china, we cultures, so it is necessary to get to know each student. Also since most colleges are private-owned in America, the admissions have the absolute right to make decisions.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Modern Information Technology
The cultivation duration is the age we live in today, and with the information age comes an age of ethics. When we deal with the new technologies introduced every day, we need to decide what we must consider ethical and unethical. We must consider all factors so that the function of the information readily available to numerous persons is not abused. Information technology impart be the nearly fundamental area of ethical concern for business in the next decade (Houston 2). The most widely used tool of the information age is the estimator, whether it be a PC or a net roleplay of computer systems.As we enter the information age the newness and power of information technologies tests the ethics of the average person, not just the criminal and causes thousands of computer crimes to be swearted daily. The most common computer crime committed daily, some aware and many another(prenominal) not, is the illegal sharing of computer software system. Software is any of the syllabuss u sed in operational a digital computer, as input and output programs, as defined by Funk and Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary.When you purchase computer software, you purchase it with the understanding that it will be for se on a single computer, once installed on that system, it is not to be loaded on any other computer. However many people are not aware of this understanding, and many load a program on a couple of computers or on a self-coloured network of computer systems not aware that they are committing a crime. Even though you probably will not be prosecuted for loading a program on a friends computer, this is where your ethics come in.Do you consider anything when you share a program with others? If not then consider the programmers of the software who are denied stipend for their developments every time you distribute a iece of software. Why is it that people who wouldnt think of stealing pack of gum will copy a $500 fragment of software (Houston 3)? A popular form off illegal software distribution is by dint ofout the online world. Whether it be the Internet, America Online, CompuServe, Prodigy, or a BBS (Bulletin calling card System), software pirates thrive freely online.These so called pirates operate by uploading pieces of software, commonly referred to as warez, into an online services entropybase then sending through e-mail the rights to download them. The Information expressway has opened the door to a new kind of highway robbery the home shoplifting network (Mattia 43). When you access a online service, you are identified through an estimate which most commonly consists of a user ID and password. The password is so you only can access the online service with your user ID.Many people online use their own accounts to access their service, but many steal and use the accounts of others or make fraudulence accounts. When online, these account pirates many times trick other users into enceinte their passwords to them by impersonating an employee of the online service. Others can hack into the online services mainframe computer and steal thousands of accounts. Probably the most common method of getting online without paying is the use of fake or fraudulent accounts. These are made by giving false information when attempting to gain access to an online service.Name, address, phone number, and billing information, such as checking account or credit card number, are all falsified in obtaining an online account. With these stolen and fake accounts, software pirates have virtually unlimited time to download their warez without any bang to them. Many people dont consider the people behind the creation of software when they illegally distribute it. The developers of software are not properly compensated for their work because of the extent of software piracy.No one can argue with a software companys desire, and right, to make sure everyone using their products has paid for it (Furger 73). The numbers add up, it is estim ated that in 1994 alone that software companies lost $15 billion from illegal software copying (Maremont 65). It is not only illegal, but clearly unethical to distribute software knowing hat the people behind the software are experiencing the downfalls of Every time software companies cannot compensate their programmers for their work, more than people are out of a job.Consider this, you enter a store and purchase an item, during this transaction you give your name and phone number. The person you have given this information to then enters it into a computerized database. After this person has collected a sufficient amount of names, they then sell it to a telemarketing firm for a profit. This action is legal, but is it ethical. Do you want your name interchange without your consent? Most people dont because they dont want to be bothered by sales persons on the telephone. Also, your address could be sold and you put on a mailing list.Then its an issue of do you want your mailbox fi lled with junk mail. This action is unethical for the simple power of consent. If the person had just gained consent to enter the names into his/her database then he would not have committed and unethical act. bingle conclusion from studies sponsored by the depicted object Institute of Justice is that persons involved in computer crimes get form skills and interests at an early age. Usually they are introduced to computers at home or in train and usually start their career path with illegally copying software (McEwen 2).As young people interact with hackers, they incorporate the beliefs of the hackers into their own. Many of these bohemian beliefs of young hackers nearly information and computers leads them to a career in computer crime. Many times it is the lack of education by parents and take aims that helps to make these beliefs all the more true to a young person. Computer criminals have their own set of beliefs about information and computers. Their beliefs are based on obvious unethical reasoning. For example, hackers suppose that computerized data are free and should be accessible to anyone.They also believe that passwords and other security features are simply obstacles to be overcome in obtaining data that should already be available and while data should never be destroyed, there is nothing wrong with viewing and transferring data for ones own use (McEwen 2). One member of the Legion of Doom, a nationwide group of hackers who exchange information about computer systems and techniques o break into them, has said, Hackers will do just about anything to break into a computer except crashing a system, thats the only taboo (McEwen 2).The key to stop computer criminals from forming is education. It is often times the case that people commit computer crimes without even know they are doing so and the reason for this is the lack of education. Few schools teach computer ethics, and parents of arrested hackers are usually unaware that their children h ave been illegally accessing computer systems (McEwen 2). Colleges and universities do not usually include computer use and abuse in their ourses, arguing that it is the responsibility of the schools.On the other hand, many secondary coil school educators are not sure about what should be taught and are reluctant or unable to add ethical computer education to many subjects in the curriculum. Textbooks on computer literacy rarely mention computer abuses and individual responsibilities. Educators and software developers have worked together to prevent software piracy in educational institutions. In 1987, the Software Copyright Committee of the International Council for Computers in Education (ICCE) developed a policy to guide educators.The policy call on school districts to teach staff the provisions of the copyright law and both staff and students the ethical and practical implications of software piracy. This policy has been adopted by many school districts across the country (McEw en 3). In recognition of the problems arising with the illegal and unethical use of computers, criminal justice forces have begun to crack down on computer criminals. In 1989, three computer crime studies were sponsored by the National Institute of Justice.One of these studies examined different organizational approaches for computer crime nvestigation and prosecution, another documented the experiences of several consecrated computer crime units, and the third developed a computer crime investigation handbook (McEwen 2). Computers are a permanent fact of life in work places and classrooms across the country. More businesses are likely to incorporate policies on information access and confidentiality in their employee orientation and training programs. Many schools and universities, responding from pressure rough them, are beginning to incorporate computer ethics into their courses.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Case Synopsis: A Steely Resolve Essay
Nucor is a steel manufacturing company that makes steel by recycling used metals and reforming them into new beams and sheets. Nucor has long had a reputation as a good place to work, although its human resource management policies have generated some controversy. Employees are paid by how much they produce, the more(prenominal) they produce the more they make. Yearly bonuses are based on overall company performance. Employees can choose how hard they work and have a good deal of end making authority.The company gives employees final say on issues such as halting the process when an error is detected or a possible equipment ruin may occur. Further, employees have a significant voice in matters of company policy that affect them. The company has a no-layoff policy, but employees feel the effects of a recession in their paychecks. The current recession has reduced orders at Nucor by 50%, which means employees are seeing up to a 46% decline in their take-home pay, a bite that most o f them cannot afford.Nucor is using this slow period to catch up on and get ahead of maintenance, to write and fiat safety manuals and to replace contract companies who did work such as landscape care and janitorial service with regular Nucor employees. By doing these things they help sustain their employees through this unwieldy time and they prepare their manufacturing plants to gear up quickly to meet increasing demand as the recession ends. Nucor has traditionally enjoyed extremely loyal employees, and they hope that obedience will sustain the company through this downturn and will celebrate with the company as the economy recovers.Questions1. What factors likely contribute to employees job satisfaction and organisational commitment at Nucor?2.How would you describe Nucors organizational culture?3. What terminal and instrumental values do you think are important inNucors culture?4. How might managers levels of emotional intelligence influence how they treat employees at Nucor ?
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Discovering Truth in Personal Experience
There are a few chosen moments in a persons heart that are pivotal and life-changing. I have been fortunate to have one of those moments in my life and I think that it has influence my personality and character today. As I look back to that experience, I am amused by the fact that it took me some stratums to realize how potent my mellow aimtime biological science teacher was in shaping my taxs towards education, hard work, and responsibility. I was whole a teenager when I met her and naturally, I did non care the least about how she was teaching us or what impact she was making on our volatile and malleable minds.But years after I left(a) high school and have now encountered various situations that challenged my character and personality, I see how her methods of teaching equipped me to face these situations. When she was teaching us high school biology during the second year of high school, she already had two children. It was not surprising that I and my peers always fe lt that she treated us very motherly, relate not only with our academic performance but also with our character formation.She taught us beyond the classroom and was always accessible even outside the school premises. She was very interactive and made sure that we have healthy communication. Once, I and a few my classmates were having difficulty with a laboratory experimentation which she made us do. Without hesitation, she invited us over her house and helped us accomplish the experiment by guiding us through the instructions. She was accommodating and open to questions and even complaints.There was a healthy exchange in our communication and during that year with her, I experienced how guidance could aid student in charting their get up. Because of the nature of her class, she was able to instill to us the value of cooperation and interaction within the group. She maximized our laboratory sessions to instruct us how a team functions. The class was not her monopoly. She delegated as much responsibility to us and put assurance in our skills and capacity to work together. Our laboratory sessions became more than tedious, repetitive and routine class requirements.Aside from including bits of fun in it, she also made sure that we work efficaciously in groups. She constantly monitored how we go through experiments, roaming around the laboratory and observing one group after another. She insisted on involving either member of the group and I remember that she specifically designed her experiments to ensure that everybody in the group participates. Nobody was left behind in her class. It is very big that a class progress as whole and not only individuals or certain groups within the class.The sign of an effective teacher is that he or she sufficiently meets the needs of every student in the class. I realize now how huge her responsibilities were trying to assess how each of her students learn and teach in a way that enables her to ensure these various learnin g styles. It was during the second year of my high school when I learned to depend on my skills. This was primarily made possible by my biology teacher who always encouraged us to learn actively, using our own strengths and capabilities.She rarely monopolized the class by spoon feeding information to us. Instead, she allowed us to keep an eye on the answers for ourselves. During our class discussion on taxonomy, she had each of us report on the basic classification of animal and plant kingdom giving us only the bare details. She suggested a few places where we nookie gather information, but she did not assign a book or a particular material. She said that we can stretch our creativity in our reports as long we educate the class on our assigned topic.As her way of guiding us through the task, she opened her maculation for consultation. I realized that she was adapting methods used in college by allowing us to be independent students. Through her efforts of making our learning acti ve, I learned to form shoot habits on my own and depend on my own skills and capabilities in accomplishing goals. In terms of reaching goals, my biology teacher also influenced my sense of time. When working on certain tasks inside the class, she reminded us that we were bound by time and cannot afford to lax or procrastinate.She was strict on deadlines and imposed sanctions on those who disregard the agenda she set. Time management is a crucial part of effective education and she made sure that we internalize that importance during that year. It was just recently that I encountered Stephen hatchs The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in which he gives certain guidelines on effective time management. As I look back, I realize that my high school teacher was already teaching us some of the basic principles which group outlines in his book.One important information which my teacher imparted on us was prioritization which Covey emphasizes in the section Put First Things First (1989). My biology teacher taught us to make important, but not urgent in Coveys words, matters a top priority in our lives. By this, she meant that we should be balanced individuals devoting our time not only to her subject but also to our families and friends. It was important for her that we balance our activities because she told us that education was not merely based on the book.Education goes beyond the confines of the class and the textbook. Information is useless if it does not fit appropriately in an individuals life. Thus, she taught us not only to value time but also to assess how our high school education figures in the rest of our life plans. By showing me and my classmates an overview of life, not only in the literal sense knowing that she taught biology, I was able to endure the tedious part of high school and utilize my learning to be a more effective student in my succeeding education.I only spent a year with my biology teacher and most of informational things she taught us regarding the science of life I have already forgotten. But, she remains to be of central significance in my life education because what she imparted to me were skills essential not only to pass an examination but to survive life in general. Her methods and her nurturing character helped me discover my own strength, the value of cooperation and the high regard for the limits of time.ReferenceCovey, S. (1989). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. UK Simon and Schuster.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Argument Essay Thomas Paine Essay
the States is the most diverse realm in the world and people fetch here to live the American Dream. Paines assertion is still true today that America is a diverse nation, however, the the taxes are few and there being nothing to beget riots and tumults is in fact not true today.America is known as the worlds melting pot for a reason. People want to come to the greatest nation on Earth. Throughout the history of America people have immigrated from a wide variety of war-torn, famine, p everywherety-stricken nations to come to a country that ensures an opportunity to make something of yourself. It has been a safe haven for people even before it became a country the puritans escaped religious persecution from England in the 17th century. whence the Irish left a potato famine to come to America. This led to many more countries in the Eastern Hemisphere immigrating here to America. They came because there is no National language, no national religion, no dictatorial government. This is America where every champion is ensured equal inalienable rights, wherever a person is from.But Paine was wrong when he verbalise the poor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged. There is poverty in America and the rich are very privileged. New York city would prove this exactly. Theres the rich walking the town, head high, looking through the expensive shops and eating at lavish restaurants. And on the other align of the street there is the homeless head down, looking through trash cans for food, walking down the side walk begging for loose change. This is not the America Thomas Paine envisions.And his statement of a riot free country has neer existed. It starts with Shays rebellion in the 1880s, consisting of western Massachusetts farmers rioting over taxation- another thing Paine says will be few then with the suffrage movement for women in the early 20th century. And a very large one took place in the 1960s for Civil Rights which was led by Dr. Martin Luther King. E ven today people protest government decisions such as Gay wedlock or abortion, There will always be people who disagree with the government.Thomas Paines view of a perfect America will never happen. We are the country that people dream to come to and we are the most diverse.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Dynamic and formal equivalence Essay
Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source- lyric school text by means of an equivalent target-language text. semantic Translation Semantic translation takes advantage of semantics that associate meaning with individual data elements in one dictionary to create an equivalent meaning in a second system. Literal Translation Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another word-for-word (Latin verbum pro verbo) with or without conveying the sense of the original.Functional Translation Functional approach to translation values the context and desist from treating language merely as a code. decreed translation A complete and accurate translation into English from the issuing language. DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE Dynamic equivalence (or functional equivalence) conveys the essential thoughts expressed in a source text. In this, interpretive program focuses more on the culture and linguistics expression. FORMAL EQUIVALENCE Formal equivalence focuses attention on the marrow itself, in both form and content.While the translator is trying to find formal equivalence, he or she is closely following the form, content and structure. LEGAL shift Legal translation is the translation of texts within the field of law. As law is a culture-dependent subject field, the work of well-grounded translation and its products are not necessarily linguistically transparent. It is important to note almost all the original drafts at the centre and states level are usually prepared in English and therefore got translated into Hindi. But the original text (i. e. the English version) is called the translated text, whereas the translated text (i.e. the Hindi version) is known as the original one. Points to be taken care at m of translation Only professional translators specializing in legal translation should translate legal documents The translator should be aware of the legal system of the source text (ST) as it is structured in a way that suits that culture Similarly, the target text (TT) is to be read by someone who is familiar with the other legal system and its language. It should not have any defect which would result in misinterpretation, misunderstanding and misconstruction.It should convey the same meaning as the original text gives. The translator should neither add nor subtract anything from his side. He should not give a word for word translations but grasp the original meaning. The intention of the legislator should also be kept in mind while translating the enactment. REGULATION NO. 1 OF 1803 The rule of translation from English into Hindi, provided under section 18 of the Regulation No 1of 1803, The translator shall translate the regulations into plain and easy language and in all possible cases, shall reject words not in common use.So out-of-the-way(prenominal) as may be consistent with the preservation of the true meaning and spirit of regulations, he shall adopt the idiom of the native languages, instead of giving a close verbal translation of the English drafts which must necessarily render the translation obscure and often unintelligible to natives. The Gazette of India ( Bharat kaa Rajpatra) is a public daybook and an authorized legal document of the Government of India published weekly by the Department of Publication, Ministry of Urban Development.(1) (2) (3) Common PROBLEMS FACED DURING TRANSLATION The translator sometimes brings in his own beliefs and experiences in interpreting a document. This could potentially harm the documents accuracy, intent and effect. The translator could have a problem in comprehending the language too. There are some rare words whose meanings escape, not only the general public but also the dictionaries. Reading the original language poses a problem to inexperienced or unskilled translators. Language can be misused unintentionally.
Monday, May 20, 2019
GMA Maderan History Essay
Barangay Gavino Maderan is erstwhile part of Brgy.Area J, under Brgy.Captain Ramon Cruz Sr.until his death in 1978. Nelson Gutierrez was appointed as brgy.captain on March 25,1985 by faithfulness of legislative and administrative act, a referendum was held for the creation of (27) brgy. out of original (10)brgys. of the municipality of General Mariano Alvarez,Cavite. Brgy.Area J was then split up in four brgys. namelyBrgy.Gavino Maderan,Brgy.Jacinto Lumbreras,Brgy.Severino Delas Alas and Brgy. Ramon Cruz Sr. By the virtue of Barangay Resolution no.13-5-2005,approved by the Sangguniang Barangay on its session dated June 5 2005. July 5 was declared as the foundation day of Brgy.Gavino Maderan and then on the year 2006, the said resolution was adopted by the Sangguniang Bayan of the municipality of Gen.Mariano Alvarez Cavite.The History of General Mariano Alvarez Cavitesee more adjudicate narrative report on teachers day celebrationGeneral Mariano Alvarez,the youngest town of the pro vince of Cavite is formerly a part of the municipality of Carmona.This municipality was named after Gen.Mariano Alvarez,one of the foremost sons of the province.He was a native of the town of Noveleta and he played a bouncy role during the Spanish Revolution. It was previously called Carmona Resettlement Project and was under the direct management of the Peoples Homesite and Housing Corporation (PHHC). On July 3,1968, the first seven families were admitted in the project.The Dept.of Social Welfare provided them with free 3-day food rations for one month, the Dept.of Health set up medical clinics with the Dept.of Education started holding layeres on the Elementary and sulfur levels. As envisioned by the National Government, GMA, a former relocation area for the squatters of the Metropolitan Manila, give provide its residents with a more blissful life geared towards the full development and upliftment of the relocation itself. Today,as a developed community through the untiring e ffort of the municipality officials,Gen.Mariano Alvarez is classified as a first class municipality.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Psychoanalysis History Essay
The theory of psycho outline has waxed for oer a generation since its inception during the 20th century. The theory is ac assign to Sigmund Freud who is regarded as the father of psychoanalysis. He dictated a strong base on which psychopsycho analysts of the future would lay foundation and expound on the knit as suggested by Sigmund. Donald Winnicott was a British pediatrician who studied babies and provided analytical theories describing the results of appropriate and inappropriate administer giving. Edith Jacobson had a traumatizing experience when she was placed in the Nazi concentration camp at the height of succor World War.Her experiences and that of her perseverings take her into modifying the instinctual drive theory that had been developed by Freud. Harry Stack Sullivan made all-round(prenominal) studies of the schizophrenics in the 1920s and concluded that psychopathology could be traced back to an individuals interpersonal k like a shotledge domain of experiences . On an another(prenominal) front, a contemporary psychoanalyst by the name Robert Stolorow holds the belief that both the experiences of the uncomplaining and the analyst should form the point of focus in the analysis.This paper shall look at how the field of psychoanalysis has been shaping over the years ever since it was introduced as a branch of psychology by Sigmund Freud. analytic thought process Psychoanalysis as a psychological discipline has under kaput(p) numerous changes ever since Sigmund Freud made the classical bill to the branch of psychology. Psychoanalysis has been able to develop from what was considered as a personal psychology to incorporate 2 people and then developed into the new multi-person experiential psychology. In the first instance, Freud ascribed psychological victimization to indispensable forces and drives within the body.Winnicott, Jacobson, and Sullivan laid emphasis on the dual-person relations in the midst of individuals as authorised asp ects in their analysis of patients. Stolorow has made major contributions in the increment of modern day psychoanalysis through his focus on the analytical inquiry on experimental dynamics of the patient while adopting a multi-personal attempt. What is of importance in all these startes is that the analytical innovators ease up always referred to the theoretical fabric developed by Sigmund Freud (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).Sigmund Freud was born in the year 1856 and is regarded as the father of psychoanalysis. He developed his theoretical framework on record base on his clinical observations which enabled him to formulate three spirit theories. He developed the topographic model the ancestral model and the structural model with each of the models aspiring to explain the complications found in explaining human personality and the causes of usual and unusual psychosomatic functioning. The topographical model generally provided the map of the human intellectual. consort to Freud , the mind was composed of three spheres including the unconscious mind mind, preconscious, and the conscious. The unconscious part was described as that part of the brain which was composed of the feelings and ideas roadless to the experiential cognisance. Only those ideas and feelings that were accessible to experiential aw arness formed the preconscious realm of the mind. The conscious was described as the part of the mind in which immediate experiential aw beness of the mind would be stored.According to Mitchell and Black, (1995) As his clinical experience grew, Freud realized that what was most crucial to a permanent removal of symptoms was for the objectionable, unconscious sensible to become generally accessible to normal consciousness (p. 5). It must be noted that Sigmund Freud noted in his clinical observations that patients would exhibit what he called as defense which was responsible for keeping the unconscious feelings and ideas out of awareness (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). The genetic model referred to developmental arrange theory which categorized the human instincts.According to Freud, the biological instincts were decisive in the psychological functioning of his patients. Sexual instincts in specific often referred to as drives were regarded as ingrained instincts demanding an external discharge. Such drives were found to concentrate in particular areas of the body as they waited to be discharged. The particular areas of the body better known as the erogenous zones were pre-eminent in accordance with the development stage of the nipper. The exertion that involved the respective erogenous zone became the primary focus of an individuals emotional flavour (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).In the structural model of personality, Sigmund Freud gave a detailed psychic map of the human mind. Freud believed that the mind was shared into three distinct parts known as the id, the ego, and the super-ego. The id is the source of all human instincts and c omprises of primeval desires and impromptu energies that seek instant gratification. The ego regulates and controls the id desires whereas the super-ego is composed of the moral values and egotism critical attitudes imparted by the parliamentary procedure through sociableization.Freud was of the view that humans were constantly struggling to strike a balance between the rough impulses and the societal values (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). Sigmund Freud held the belief that a patient contended to be taken for an analysis so as to unlock unconscious dynamics that were responsible for the psychopathological incidences in the patients. Freud gave a classical approach to psychoanalysis. The fundamental method in classical psychoanalysis is to be found in the conveyance and conflict analysis of free linkup.The patient is to be composed before being told to speak whatever that comes to his/her mind. Imaginations, hopes, desires, and fantasies are regarded as reflecting on earlier family life of the patient. The analyst has to simply listen to the patient only to put to work comments to give insight to the patient when need arises. While listening, the analyst is able to develop some empathic neutrality with the patient which is critical in the creation of a safe environment. According to Freud, the free association technique was responsible for bringing out vital information in the past life of the patient.The analyst was regarded as an important figure in the previous life of the patient and during the interaction between the analyst and the patient transference neurosis developed which referred to the patients attitudes and fantasies in regard to the analyst which are pivotal to the expression of critical themes and conflicts in the patients past. Sigmund was of the view that resolving these conflicts was crucial to the easing of the psychopathic symptoms (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). Object Relations by WinnicottThe development of objection relations by Donald Woods Winnicott led to a unique two-person psychology as an independent school of psychoanalysis. Winnicott sought to challenge the Freudian belief which emphasized on the psychology of an individual. Winnicott laid emphasis on the relational dynamics of sisterren and their respective niggles as major contribution to the development of the self-importance. According to Winnicott, the level of emotional support the child got from the convey was powerful in the childs development of the self.Children went through crucial stages of experience that was to be determined by expressive sensitivity of their mothers. During early stages in life, the child usually experience subjective omnipotence in which carapace the child gets whatever he/she wants. The child is then made to experience some moment of magic trick that any of his/her wishes are accomplished by the mother. With time but, the mother withdraws from reactivity to the child but in the context of the holding environment.T he environment allows for space where the childs needs are met from the environment without the child having to realize. The mother at this time becomes less involved in the meeting of the childs needs. The child discovers that his desires are not responsible for the creation of satisfaction but rather the mothers chemical reaction to his/her needs was the aspect that brought about the satisfaction. Over time, the child realizes about his/her illusions and he is able to leave them and realizes that he/she was only dependant on the mother (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).The child acknowledges that the desires are usually met by various individuals and that these individuals have their own private desires. The child developed an purpose reality together with the subjective omnipotence. Winnicott described the objective reality as the awareness that the child was separate from the desired objects. Between the subjective omnipotence and objective reality lies the transitional object which according to Winnicott resembles neither of the two scenarios. The child looks for an object to get comfort when the antiphonaryness of the mother to the childs needs diminishes.Winnicott used the concept of object impost to elaborate on the experiences that the child goes through in which case aggressive tendencies become prominent during the transitional object phase. The mothers response during the stage of object usage plays an instrumental role in the emotional development of the child. In case the child would get negative response from the mother in regard to usage of objects, then the child would be afraid of making maximum use of the objects and would develop neurotic inhibitions in adult life (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).Winnicott identified the responsiveness of the mother as crucial in the development of the self. He was of the view that the focus of psychoanalysis should be on the development of the self. The analyst in this case resembles the mother and the patient is the individual who missed on the responsiveness of a good-enough mother. The analyst in this case assumes the roles of the responsive mother who the patient missed during early life development. The analyst therefore seeks to identify the particular desires of the patient.The relational understanding of the patients self was the most important aspect during the therapeutic treatment (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). self Psychology by Edith Jacobson Edith Jacobson (1897-1978) was an American psychoanalyst who was dedicated to revising the Sigmund Freuds structural model of personality through the development of her own theoretical framework. She developed the instinctual drive theory to incorporate an interaction between the actual experiences and the drive development. According to Jacobson, biological drives were influenced by the previous experiences of caregivers.She speculated that when the childs early experiences were lusty and healthy, then libidinal drives would be cultivated. On t he contrary, when the child was frustrated during his/her earlier experiences, then the child would develop an aggressive drive which destroys the developmental process in the normal way. The childhood experiences were found to impact on the development of the self. It was bring ined that normal self development occurred when the child is brought up by a mother who addressed the emotional needs of the child whereas a frustrated self develops when the mother was perceived as frustrating by the child.Jacobson reinvented the Freud concept regarding the super-ego which according to Freud developed due to the castration anxiety that in the oedipal stage of development. Jacobson was of the view that the super-ego developed in the child as a result of experience with other individuals. primarily childhood experiences with the mother affected the childs socialization to refrain from certain bearings leading to the development of the super-ego. Jacobsons clinical approach required the pat ient to reconstruct the developmental history of the patient.The inquiry of the patients past is considered in a conveyance manner between the patient and the analyst to establish a therapeutic correlation. It was believed that when patients unlocked their past developmental record through the conveyance was vital in the therapeutic process (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). Interpersonal Psychoanalysis by Harry Stack Sullivan Harry Sack Sullivan (1892-1949) has been credited for advancing the interpersonal psychoanalysis. He believed that psychoanalysis was to focus on the previous interactions of the patient in an trend to unravel the psychopathological conditions that were manifested in patients.He held that an individuals personality was influenced by the lifelong interactions which commenced with the caregivers at infancy. Sullivan got interested specifically in the experiences of anxiety earlier on in life and he ascertained that in early life experiences, the childs needs are met th rough integration tendencies which encompasses the need for satisfaction offered on a mutual basis. Sullivan believed that anxiety feeling was external and that some aspects of the anxiety in caregivers and key figures in the childs earlier life were able to be transmitted to the child. so the child would easily be affected by the anxiety in those individuals who are important in his/her early life (Mitchell, & Black, 1995). The child at this stage would perceive the primary caregivers as anxious or non anxious whereby the child generalized them as either good or enceinte mother. The child in brief realizes that he/she can predict whether a good or bad mother was approaching establish on the facial expressions, postural tensions, and vocal intonation.As time goes by, the child then realizes that his/her own behavior was the one determining the goodness or badness of the mother and therefore starts to form the intellect of self. According to Sullivan, the anxious state in the care givers that was caused by the behavior of the child makes the child believe that he/she is the bad one. On the other hand, those behaviors and actions from the child which produced admiration and appreciation from the caregiver made the child develop a sense of good me (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).Sullivans clinical approach emphasized on the individuals sense of the self based on the interaction they had with the others. Thus his techniques involved seeking to increase awareness of how the self operated through probing questions and encouragement of the self-reflection. This was to enable observation, understanding and alteration of important and rapid sequences. It must be noted that Sullivans approach emphasized on the insight ad understanding as important aspects for change in the interpersonal psychoanalysis (Mitchell, & Black, 1995).Inter-subjectivity-Modern Psychoanalysis This is the most recent theoretical framework in the field of psychoanalysis. This model is better described as The notion that the analyst and the patient can mutually skeletal frame the conscious and unconscious experience of the other. According to this view, the analyst can never be detached and strictly objective observer instead, he or she is constantly involved in a conscious and unconscious interplay of ideas as well as affective and symbolic communications (Diamond & Marrone, 2003, p.14). Dr. Robert Stolorow has been identified as the leading exponent of this approach and he integrates various concepts of object relations theoretical framework, ego psychology and interpersonal psychoanalysis. Stolorow however advances from the theoretical framework developed by others and argues that the whole experiential world of the patient should be examine in perspective as opposed to mere relations between the patient and another noteworthy individual in the patients life (Stolorow, Atwood, and Orange, 2002).He developed a clinical approach in which he identified three areas of focus i n an inquiry which include emotional convictions, self reflexivity and reality. The analyst examines the embodiment of emotional convictions emanating from the patients historical experiences in the world. Stolorow considered these convictions to be unconscious and thus they were to be made conscious for an informed reflection and explanation. Through reflection and interpretation, the patient would be able to realize their sense of self as time goes by.The analyst was required to be assailable of indulging in self-reflexivity meaning that he was required to be aware of his perspective and prejudices in the clinical environment. Lastly, the inter-subjective inquiry required an aspect of reality whereby it is important for the analyst to consider the reality of the patient and to reserve against overshadowing the patients reality with theirs. When the reality of the patient was considered, then the analyst was in a postal service to get the comprehensive picture of inter-subjectiv ity from the patients point of views thus facilitating a healthy diagnostic dialogue (Stolorow, Atwood, and Orange, 2002).Conclusion It is evident that there have been tremendous innovations in the psychoanalytic theoretical framework during the past century. Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father of psychoanalysis and he is credited for providing the theoretical and clinical base for the other psychoanalytic scholars who were to further the psychoanalysis branch of psychology. Each of the psychoanalytic scholars that were interested in Freuds thinking and aspired to advance it in their own way has founded their clinical approaches on their experiences.These scholars have included Winnicott, Jacobson, Sullivan and Stolorow. Psychoanalysis has gone through an evolution process starting as a one-person psychology, to a two-individual psychology and now is considered as a multi-people psychology. The future of psychoanalysis is set to broaden even further to incorporate the psycholo gical, social and cultural dynamics of the individual during analysis. This is because lately, there has been an emphasis on evidence-based therapy thus enhancing the significance of considering varied sources of investigated evidence. wing Diamond, N. & Marrone, M. (2003). Attachment and inter-subjectivity. London, GB Whurr Publishers. McWilliams, N. (2004). Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. New York, NY Guilford Press Mitchell, S. A. & Black, M. J. (1995). Freud and beyond A history of modern psychoanalytic thought. New York, NY Basic Books. Stolorow, R. D. , Atwood G. E. , & Orange, D. M. (2002). Worlds of experience Interweaving philosophical and clinical dimensions in psychoanalysis. New York, NY Basic Books
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Tom from Canada vs Hoshi from Japan
Culture affects all(prenominal) aspect of a human life. It is overly very important while making a motorcoachial termination. The case presented in chapter 5 proves that organism born in the Western or Japanese polish determines a lot our attitude to decision-making with all its consequences. According to the information included in the case, Tom is a Canadian film director, who makes decision on his own, without consulting in with his team. He presents very individualistic attitude. It is completely different as far as we consider Hoshis way of making decisions.He, on the other hand, spent a lot of time convincing people working with him to agree to the new inventory-control system. Hoshi is a collectivist-manager. A nonher prodigious difference between the two managers is that Tom was task-oriented and counted for a quick and positive result of his decision, for an achievement and perhaps a promotion, without taking into consideration implications that it might have on his employees. Unlike the Canadian manager, Hoshi paid more(prenominal) attention to the fact how his co-workers will get used to working with the new system.Joint decision making in the Japanese subsidiary had a severe implications for the performance. Unfortunately, it also turned out that just informing subordinates is not effective either. Each of the managers driven by attitudes characteristic of their cultural scripts and they did what they thought was the stovepipe for their subsidiaries. However, what would work best is a mix of these two. Tom and Hoshi would get better results if their had found a middle solution forward making the final decision and introducing the new system.Tom should not have done the task rush. After being informed, employees were surprised and not really convinced about the idea. This fact should have already attract the managers attention so that he hires a coach just in the beginning. If the Toms behaviour was any more collectivist, perhaps he would not trust only his own experience but would also ask other competent people of his subsidiary on their opinion. Furthermore, Tom did not care enough about his team, he did not really notice the moment just onwards key employees handed in their resignations.As a result, as being too sure of the fact that what he does is right, he could not react properly while it was essential. Rational decision-making cannot be successful as keen-sighted as we do not include the indispensable human factor. In my opinion, Hoshis biggest mistake was hold for the consensus. It is obvious that the Japanese culture is much more collectivist that the Western one, nevertheless the role of the manager should always be the same taking care of his/her subordinates on one hand and making final decisions in the right time on the other.Having consensus as a priority, Hoshi forgot about the task to do and he did not realize when the change was really important for the further operating of the subsidiary. He should have been the person, who scorn discussion and egalitarism, regarding peoples and companys needs do his job. Moreover, he should have also met Mr. Bortolo expectations, it means introducing the system in the reasonable time. The CEO of the company understood characteristics and culture differences and gave the managers choice.But it seems to me that Hoshi overstrained the possibility inclined and it led him to a failure. To sum up, both managers made some mistakes caused by their cultural scripts. Rush decision making as well as really slow decision making resulted in massive losses for the subsidiaries and for the company as a whole. If Tom and Hoshi exchanged their views, attitudes before and mix them, learnt something from each other, they could be both successful and satisfied with the results they could present.
Quantitative Business Analysis Essay
The Sky infirmary Consortium has 40 hospitals in various parts of the United States. In these hospitals once a diligent is discharged they ar given a survey to determine if they are satisfied with the overall service. In this report we will be showing dissatisfied forbearings and bursting charges for the total of discharges to try and help the management stave try and improve patients overall experience. 1. The opportunity of a patient responding Dissatisfied in each of the ternion contrasting regions. In Sky Hospital Consortium there are three regions which are tocopherol, commutation and West. In the West Region there are 16 hospitals that had 63,791 patients visit it last course of instruction. In that year there were 5,316 dissatisfied claims in the region. The hazard of patients responding dissatisfied is 5,316/ 63,791=0.08333. In the of import Region they have 4 hospitals which were visited by 18,810 patients which 1,513 of them said they were dissatisfied by their visit.The probability of this happening is 1,513/18,810=.08044. In the East there are 20 hospitals that have been visited by 96,061 and had 6,955 dissatisfied patients. The probability of dissatisfied patients in the east region is 6,955/96,061= .07240 2. The probability of a patient file a formal complaint in each of the three different regions. The West had over 942 patients file a complaint in that year. The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint is 942/63,791=.01477 For the Central they had over 199 patients filing a formal complaint. The probability of patients having a formal complaint is 199/18,810= .01058. The East had over 1,200 formal complaints.The probability of patients making formal complaints in the East hospitals would be 1,200/96,061=.01249. 3. The probability of a patient filing a formal complaint given a patient resolution of Dissatisfied in eachof the three different regions. In the West hospitals the probability of a patient filling a formal complai nt given a patient response of dissatisfied is 942/5,316=.17720. In the Central hospitals the probability is 199/1513=.13153. In the East the probability is 1,200/6,955= .17254. 4. The probability of a patient responding Dissatisfied for each hospital. The chart below shows the hospital per region individually where the patients are said to be dissatisfied with the service. The ranks of best to worst out of the 16 hospitals in the West are broken stack here as well as the 4 hospitals of the Central hospitals and the 20 of the East hospitals.Total afterward looking at all three regions we are adapted to see that the East by furthest had the most visits to its 20 hospitals it had the most patients by probability would be satisfied more often than the Central and West Region. For patients filing complaints we are able to see that the Central region has a less apt(predicate) probability then the East and West Regions. Looking closely though by the number of patients overall compared to the East and West Regions, the Central region was probably able to fix the issues sooner before they became filed complaints generally because they had more time to spend individually.This also shows when you take the patients who were more probable to file a complaint who was dissatisfied in the Central region, which is the lowest, compared to the East and West which were much higher. Overall per hospital we are able to see the Central Region again was thebest for Overall ranking between the three regions combined. This shows say that the hospitals were able to spend more time with their patients because of less patients being seen.ReferenceAnderson, Sweeney, Cam, Cochran, & Williams. (2013). Essentials of Statistics for Business and Econonmics (7e. ed.). Cengage Learning
Friday, May 17, 2019
16 year old Drivers
You just turned 16 and firet wait to pressure a car by yourself. Why should you corroborate to wait even longer. You already have to present courses before you pick up your permit, and you have political campaign a course of study with a p atomic number 18nt/guardian oversight before you lavatory locomote your drivers licence. To persuade you that 16 year olds are mature enough to drive a car I will give you two campaigns why. My first reason that 16 year old are mature enough to drive a car is you mint courses to before you can start driving. This means that they will cheat the rules of the road before they start driving.This is goodness because they will know what signs mean and what to do on the road, and not what not to do on the road. You also have to take tests before you get your drivers licence and if you dont know the rules indeed you will properly fail the test. Teenagers will have to know the rules if they want to be able to drive. They will know the rules be cause they will take courses. My 2nd reason is that you have to drive with a parent or guardian for a year before you get your drivers licenses. In the state of Colorado you must drive with a parent or guardian one whole year before you can get your drivers license.You also have a year with a parent or guardian helping and guiding you how to succeed parent or guardian can help them to understand the rules of the road, so they will know how to use the rules of the road in a good way. It is safer because the parent or guardian can tell them dont to blast loud music because you will be more(prenominal) emphasised on the road when there isnt blasting loud music. They can tell them to focus on the road and can tell them to keep there eyes on the road when they get a text or a phone call. The abusing reason is dangers of teen drivers, teenage drivers are more luckily to text while driving.So if they wait a little longer to start driving then they will be more mature and might not text while driving. If teenagers have friends in the car they might be more distracted at wheel. This might cause car accidents to teenage drivers. To conclude my paper 16 year old are mature enough to drive a car. They have to take courses before they can get there drivers license. You also have to drive with a parent or guardian for a year before you can get your drivers licenses . This is why 16 year olds are mature enough to drive. I hope you agree that 16 year olds are mature enough to drive a car.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
My significant change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My real change - Essay ExampleBut for the already born Croesuss, when things turn upside down it is no less than like a catastrophe for them. This is the narrative of the experience of my friends fathers paralysis attack and how it transformed his life both negatively and positively and contri thated toward his perspective and philosophy of life. It is the theme of his familys sudden change in fortune which transformed his life of luxury to that one of immutable struggle and hardship. Sixteen years ago, it was one fine Friday of summer, encapsulated with seasonal monsoon rains. His father left for work with a promise that he would take them to their private farmhouse to spend the weekend. His mother, a young eastern wife, got busy in the preparation for the evening and he and his other two sisters and brother were counting the minutes in ingrained excitement. Life could not have been better, when in sudden shift of fate everything toppled. By noon, their car driver arrived home and requested his mother to accompany him to the hospital. The young lady was shaken on this occurrence but prepared herself for something very distressing to come forth. On reaching the hospital, she was informed that her husband had a grueling brain hemorrhage and 80% of his body had been affected by the attack.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Agressive behavior in adolescent 12-18 Research Paper
Agressive behavior in adolescent 12-18 - Research Paper ExampleSince not all p bents follow this technique as they are becoming quite busy in their own lives, they fail to discipline their children and their children continue to operate in an combative manner. Parents need to ensure that the techniques used for disciplining purposes are not very harsh as children may view continuous harsh treatment as unfair and they may react to these techniques in an aggressive manner. When children may react in an aggressive manner and parents even try to discipline this behavior by implementing harsher punishments, child will become more aggressive.Another theory that provides insight regarding aggressive behavior among teenagers caused by poor parenting is the strain theory. The strain theory asserts that individuals adopt aggressive behaviors because they fail to attain goals, which they value to be positive for their wellbeing (Cullen, 2013 p.148). In the case of teenagers, they put great va lue on being love and cared for by their parents. If parents fail to provide love and affection to children, the childs expectations are not met and thusly he becomes aggressive. Hollist confirms this theory and cites that according to a study, huge portions of juvenile delinquents are those who were coercively treated at their homes (Cox, 2011, p.100). When parenting bolt is coercive in nature, the bond between the child and the parent becomes weak and referable to this, the children become problematical in the act of externalizing their problems. For example a child might have witnessed disarticulate occurring between his/her parents and due to the anger of divorce, the child may be involved in picking fights at school.Amato asserts that the rate of divorce in the American society has elevated and huge number of children in various households witnesses their parents fighting with distributively other (Fine, 2013, p.43). Due to this, a child may perceive that he/she is the
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Company accounting Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Company accounting - Statistics Project ExampleIn Adjustment data, it is given that the A Ltd company purchased inventory from B and C Ltd companies which means that this is the inter-company transaction and should be eliminated from the opening inventory of A Ltd company.A Ltd companys ending inventory is $950, B Ltd companys ending inventory is $720 and C Ltd companys ending inventory is $780. In Adjustment data, it is given that the A Ltd company purchased inventory from B and C Ltd companies which means that this is the inter-company transaction and should be eliminated from the ending inventory of A Ltd company.... In Adjustment data, it is given that the A Ltd company purchased inventory from B and C Ltd companies which means that this is the inter-company transaction and should be eliminated from the opening inventory of A Ltd company.The Amount of opening inventory mentioned in the Income Statement is derived as followsA Ltd Companys opening inventory = existing inventory - scrutinise purchased from B Ltd- Inventory purchased from B Ltd. = $880 - $180 -$280A Ltd Companys opening inventory = $420B Ltd Companys opening inventory = $640 + $180 = $820C Ltd Companys opening inventory = $790 + $280 = $1070 replete(p) Opening Inventory = $2310 3. Inventory (31.1.2008)A Ltd companys ending inventory is $950, B Ltd companys ending inventory is $720 and C Ltd companys ending inventory is $780. In Adjustment data, it is given that the A Ltd company purchased inventory from B and C Ltd companies which means that this is the inter-company transaction and should be eliminated from the ending inventory of A Ltd company.The Amount of opening inventory mentioned in the Income Statement is derived as followsA Ltd Companys ending inventory = Actual inventory - Inventory purchased from B Ltd- Inventory purchased from B Ltd.= $950 - $190 -$340A Ltd Companys ending inventory = $420B Ltd Companys ending inventory = $720 + $190 = $910C Ltd Companys ending inventory = $780 + $ 340 = $1120Total Ending Inventory = $2450
Monday, May 13, 2019
International business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International business - Research Paper ExampleThe analysis has been make in terms of the nations political and economic climate, their methods of commercializeing and distribution and overly the labor climate in the two countries. Economic and political climate for foreign business Singapore has an extremely successful and certain free market deliverance. It also offers a corruption free and gift environment where prices remain durable and the per capita GDP emergence also remain high in comparison to other developed nations. The economys high dependence on exports of products like electronic and information technology products, pharmaceutical and offshoot in pecuniary services make it a popular place for conducting business. The nation has demonstrated a GDP growth of 7.1% between the years 2004 and 2007 (CIA, Economy - overview). On the other hand Hong Kong also demonstrates a free market economy which depends highly on international finance and trade. The nations open economy was however greatly affected by the global economic recession which makes it a slight popular place, in comparison to Singapore for doing business. The residents of Hong Kong can establish RMB denominated savings accounts, the RMB denominated corporate, and the Chinese government bonds vex also been issued in the nation. Moreover, the RMB trade settlement has also been allowed in Hong Kong. The nation has a GDP growth rate of 3.8% between 1989 and 2010, however the growth gradually slowed down in the year 2009 (CIA-a, Economy - overview). It is seeming(a) that the higher GDP growth of Singapore in comparison to Hong Kong coupled with a free market economy makes it much popular for conducting business operations. Also the nations growth in the financial sector and high dependence on trade and finance compliments the same. Methods for marketing and distribution With avail of the Singapore economy there has been an increasing amount of affluent consumers who are able and w illing to dismiss and consume more. In addition to this a number of new shopping malls like the VivoCity, Ang Mo Kio Hub and primal have emerged which have further added stimulus to the retail sector since 2007. The existing shopping malls like Centrepoint, smock Sands and Tampines Mall have also been revamped, with the new extensions established to accommodate more number of retailers for stay competitive. The inflows of new retailers in the selling spaces have further attracted more consumers who have been increasingly visiting them. This had boosted their growth further in 2007 (Laposte, Singapore). in that respect are two different categories of consumers in the country Hong Kong. There are the local consumers, who account for 6.5 million numbers, while on the other hand the tourists, who are greedy lovers of the luxury items. The tourism sector generates greater than ten billion USD of income every year. It must be historied that tourists who come for shopping in Hong Kong are primarily Chinese from Mainland. The distribution network comprises of many intermediate and small family-type enterprises which try to remain in groups. The larger stores like the Lane Crawford, Sogo or display a very upscale image while the supermarkets and the neighboring stores like Wing on, Jusco and Sincere remain more profitable for making bulk products. The second market is more dominated by duopoly by Wellcome and Parkn shop. Hong Kong also has a number of discount stores
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Marketing strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing strategy - Assignment archetypeMacro and Micro Environmental Analysis PESTEL The PESTEL analysis is performed to analysis the macro environment of the industry. The PESTEL analysis provides a frame within which the strategic thinking of the company for the future takes place. The analysis sets boundaries and expectations (Burke, Clarke,, 2008, p.27). Political factors of the US software package package industry seem to be stable. The government has promoted the IPR protection as the US software industry visualise a loss of about $12.8billion due to inadequate protection (Brown,, 1995, p. 9). The US economical factor represents a strong GDP rate of $47200. In the market oriented economy, private firms and individual dominates the line. US business enjoys a better flexibility than the other parts of its counterparts (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d). With the population becoming savvier about the software industry there has been a steady rise in the software applications and industry. The social factor of the US has demanded the country to produce much software application. The technological factors of US software industry have enabled it for the planetary distribution of software management teams. With a technological advance the software industry has been able to gain a new phase in the software industry. ... Legal factors include compliance with issues like devote Source Initiatives. The companies are following the source code to protect it against any threat. Also the use of vicious software is prohibited. Product-market industry analysis The product market industry is analyzed with the help of two dimensions and their extremes which is the product-market ground substance. This matrix explores the two dimensions Product and Market (Lowy & Hood, 2004, p.134). Figure 1 Product-Market Matrix (Source Lowy & Hood, 2004, p. 135) Microsoft with the launch of Windows 7 Phone has hump up with a product development and hence its produ ct Windows 7Phone would fall under the first quarter-circle of Product development. Microsoft has understood the irrefutable relationship with its customers and also the goodwill and thrust that accompany it. When ZuneHD was launched it gained a positive feedback and thus Microsoft also expect the same from its 7 phone. With a growth in mobile phone, it has set out a major computing platform for big giants like Microsoft, Apple. The market of Smartphone is expected to grow by 705 thus investment in this growing sector would help Microsoft gain profits and revenue as well as capture the market share. The new product, Windows 7 Phone, resents a lot of information more clearly and its easy to navigate. Therefore the product development by Microsoft is its new Windows 7 Phone. antagonists analysis The competitor analysis aims to evaluate the company with its peer group with a creator to analysis the companys positioning with its competitors. Microsoft top competitors are Apple and G oogle. Apple known for its innovation, with its flex of iPhone has revolutionized the mobile industry. Also with its innovation in desktop and laptops
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Corruption in the Pakistan Government Research Paper
Corruption in the Pakistan giving medication - Research Paper ExampleThe primary aim of this study is to review the extent of degeneration in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It leave alone similarly review whether decadence and poor governance have pressure its people to seek other forms of assistance, especially those of illegal militant groups.According to Aristotle the deviation or depression of kingship is tyranny. Both kingship and tyranny are forms of government by a single person, but the tyrant studies his stimulate advantage..the king looks to that of his subjects (Heidenheimer, 1997, P. 3). The journal article Social sciences and the evolving concept of putridness provides more connotations or centre to the term corruption. In Biblical terms corruption is plainly injustice, while current perception of corruption means accepting of bribes. The French have a broader perspective and sees corruption as all acts of law-breaking done by civil servants and includes th e judiciary as well as the people who try to corrupt the above two classes (GENAUX, 2004). But, the definition of the term provided by the OECD, apparently covers all the above perceptions as it defines corruption as the abuse of public or private office for personal gain (OECD, 2008, P. 22). This paper will consider the above definition when reviewing the topic of corruption in Pakistan.Pakistan can definitely be class as a developing economy and studies have shown that corruption levels are higher present when compared to actual ones. Some developing economies have faster growth rate when compared to others, and there is no perceptible differences in corruption levels in both instances (Rose-Ackerman, 2006, p. 218). It has to be seen whether the above two factors hold good in the sideslip of Pakistan as well. In other words, it has to be seen whether corruption in the country is high or low, and also whether it is comparable with a high growth economy like India, China, or Bra zil. The three developing economies mentioned here
Friday, May 10, 2019
Role of MIS department Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Role of MIS department - Essay ExampleThe identification of issues that may lead to poor engineering science management may be the first step in do this melioratement possible. Talking to the employees in the department about the use of technology management ignore improve the attitude they have about the system. Attitude among the staff may be one of the reasons that enable good deal to do as they wish. Finding out what it is that encourages them to work better with such a system is polar in improving the system (Megantz, 2002).Privacy issues are also the main cause of poor technology management. Personal information being the key component in running the technology system, employees may be reluctant to give out this information. This is because of fear that people may steal their identities. An example is the login requirement that is generate in every system, in a company. This may be the reason as to why it is tall(prenominal) for them to use the technology system to at tain their goals (Megantz, 2002).There might be some strategies that may be used to improve technology management. One of these strategies would be to state the goal of the system. Stating it to the employees in the department is a dodging that enables them to create a target for themselves (Dorf, 1999). In this scenario, every department it is responsible for a put target by the company, and that it must be realised.Another means in which technology management can be improved is through the creation of a modest learning cycle. This learning cycle helps improve the manner in which employees decide to use the technology system. If they are set in a manner that will deal with the issues that arise from the use of such methods, then it is possible the system can be improved (Dorf, 1999). This may lead to an improvement in the companys dealings.Using a timeframe strategy for producing results is usually the
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Communicating across genders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Communicating across genders - Essay ExampleHowever, I note that even this is unnecessarily divisive. In my experience, Adlers findings that gender difference amounts to just 1% of the variance of speech (186) between any two people is more important. This paper will look at three conversations at heart and between two groups of people to show that shared experience and goals facilitate communication better than shared gender. It is necessarily difficult to give concrete examples of gender communication being more similar than different, because it is primarily easier to disprove than prove something, but two personal conversations in which I took part are favourable examples of how shared experience facilitates communication better than shared gender and that, equally, different experiences hinder communication. These two conversations manifold separate groups of people, both composed of mixed genders but similar politics and ideology. Both conversations discussed the case of part Anthony Weiner, who recently resigned after revelations that he had been attempting to engage numerous female political admirers in (usually unwanted) sexual conversation. In the origin conversation, both men and women condemned Weiner unanimously for the sexual harassment of sending explicit photographs of his anatomy to non-consenting women who had yet behaveed their support of his policies. Men and women used the same sentence structures and argumentative styles, appealing to reason and sense equally most sentences used personal pronouns (I, you, he), for example. One interjection in the conversation was taken severely by the other members, as it was a joke that was highly inappropriate, which had been made by a muliebrity not something that Adler would expect (184). In fact, this conversation happened online with most people using gender-neutral pseudonyms, and the only way I could figure out who was of which gender was by specifically asking them. The second conve rsation happened after somebody made the assertion that Weiner was simply guilty of sexual harassment, and his resignation neither inappropriate nor adequate penalization for his crime. The communication style was similar to the previous groups in that most people used I statements and littered their messages with pronouns however, in this group most people were more skeptical of the idea that Weiners behaviour was criminal. In one comical exchange, a woman made the statement that Flashing someone virtually is the same as instant someone in person, and a man responded I think you meant to say that you think/feel they are the same. In this example, a woman used concrete language (or rather, a male conversational style 185) to express an opinion and was told by a man that she should revert to female conversational style. The same man whence said the decisions we make in our lives brand us, arguing that when considering Weiners sexual harassment of Ms pep Lee, one should bear her c areer choice (she is a former porn star) in mind. Clearly his engagement of a male conversational style was acceptable. A different woman dismissed Lees claims by verbal expression You know as well as I do that women are just as corked as men, when it comes to manipulation. Her appeal to an emotional relationship is, Adler argues, typically feminine. It may be interesting to note that the first group do not believe that there is any material difference
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Assessment on a book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assessment on a book - Essay Exampleays to make masses same You, Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, Be a leader How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment, Letters that Produced Miraculous Results and Seven Rules for Making Your Home Life Happier (Carnegie). each(prenominal) section of the book plays an integral role in making individual(a) win friends and become an important person in the society.The aspects highlighted in this book pull up stakes be essential in my college life, since in the beside semester, I will apply all the laid down stipulations that will make me a favorite of the state. I will not be criticizing, condemning or complaining about each and every(prenominal) situation in my college life. As a result, I will be giving honest and true(prenominal) gratitude to every individual who does positive things in my life. I will not be an isolated individual since I will develop a genuine interest in my swearword students. I will continuously be smiling, because as Professor James V. McConnell, a psychologist at Michigan University Psychologist once remarked, people who smile tend to manage, teach and sell more effectively, and to raise happier children. There is far much selective information in a smile than in a frown (Carnegie 64).Similarly, I will encourage my fellow students to talk about themselves and will be a good listener, since I will be talk of the town less, and when I talk, it is channeled towards other individuals interests, since I will be making them feel important. I will permit the other party do much of the talking, as this will make them think the idea is theirs. I will ensure that I avoid arguments since I will be respecting opinions of other people. When I am wrong, I will quickly admit it, and never tell my fellow students that they are wrong. In this regard, I will be able to win other students into my way of thinking (Carnegie 89).In depicting leadership qualities, I wil l be able to start every conversation with praising and appreciating other individuals. I will also ensure that
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An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement Essay Example
An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement Essay An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement Abstract With e...
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galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) historians and sociologists pay off set a variation in the sparing movees of the realness and ...