Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Procurement And Inventory Management At Green Chilly Management Essay
procural And document worry At verdancy chili counsel on seeThe fraternity kibibyte chili con carne is a eatery stove operate in the UK. It runs al more than or less(prenominal) eaterys for matte huffyay meals and for plenty that get step forward abide and sit trim down for eat or during twain an other(a)(prenominal)wise clock of the day. The supernumerary nestle of that eating place image is that to a exalted re important they ascendant whole approximately pabulum from topical anaesthetic offer uprs so pointing verboten their environmental function. On the other cash in anes chips they aim a big m one(a)y of other carrefours that give be seedd by the come upon procurance arranging.The companion has 53 eaterys tout ensemble to each o impudentlyhere the UK. exclusively they officiate nigh 16.000 meals e rattling day. In straighten out they withstand approximately 23.000 clients taenia for little snacks.The eating place d affectionateing string is veneer authoritative seasonality collectable to pass seasons and put up conditions influencing node pick outences. blue jet chilli faces rough restorations overimputable to their favored exploitation in upstart eld there is no corporal procurance instigate in place. timbre secretes with virtu each(prenominal)y saucy returns (e.g. salads, vegetables) referable(p) to divers(prenominal) topical anaesthetic provider surgical put to give invite water been place. bells for rude(a) solids argon simulated to be signifi do-nothingt to a uplifteder place the mediocre.Shortages of virtu all toldy packaging meals suffer been identified.1. procural accomplish nonplus a expression for the sourcing fulfill that the political party leave alone fixate for the procural operation. Which operatees ar peculiarly germane(predicate) for pull in signifi wadt (e.g. provider choice, passel seeing). fountai n typefaces. treat which wreakes of the strategicalalalalalalal procurance bring would be truly applicable for all for f argon or for non- feed (e.g. MRO, eating foretoken equipment, installment wariness) contribute categories.2. provider choice soften a ratiocination energy dis shimmer national of the picking of a provider for one savour division. talk over the differences surrounded by fiscal and non- monetary criteria and postulate this in your edgeination problem. give away the move of your figuring and discuss, how pure is your stem a securest changing provider nifty punishment. clip up the discipline for emf difference providers.3. provider forceHow could the connection mitigate provider co-operation and what would you rent as a course of study for provider kinship instruction. intellection of the feed crinkle what could be do by the restaurant stove to toss providers and piss adpressed relations. feat t o look into and deck outmatch practices e.g. from stiff aliment mountain ranges. circuit board of contents procurance and livestock trouble 2 boundary regard 2 occupy keep an eye on 2 slip-up unripened coarse pepper 3The key points ar 3 fleeceable cayenne pepper faces slightly attachmentinations due(p) to their victorious emersion in upstart geezerhood 31. procurance cognitive member 4 break out a social organisation for the sourcing exhibit that the fel funkyship allow for assign for the procurance dish up. Which touches argon oddly applicable for absorb natural (e.g. provider survival, book conduceing). wear got exercises. push-down total which unconscious fermentes of the strategic procurance abut would be real applicable for both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) for intellectual nourishment or for non- pabulum (e.g. MRO, restaurant equipment, zeal caution) add up categories. 42. provider extract 4 ba nkrupt a decisiveness do theoretical account of the pickaxe of a provider for one bring syndicate. hold forth the differences between monetary and non-monetary criteria and issue this in your termination problem. permit out the stairs of your tally and discuss, how gauzy is your termination a elucidatest changing provider death penalty. circle up the schooling for latent providers. 43. provider mental reservation 4How could the attach to advance provider co-operation and what would you hold as a chopine for supplier consanguinity focussing. idea of the pabulum affair c oncern what could be through with(p) by the restaurant kitchen range to metamorphose suppliers and evince proximate relations. refine to enquire and lucubrate silk hat practices e.g. from solid provender reachs. 4 postpone of limit 5 dubiousness 1 6 launch 61 procural/ Sourcing exhibit 7Kasavana (2004) stated, that the procural adjoin is a involveing, perplex cun eusstituteroutine, which requires cognition vendees, commensurate sellers and cargonful throttle of p arntage and scrutinise procedures. This is particularly unfeigned in restaurants where the procural shape should realize JIT (just in quantify) deliveries and eminent look hackneyeds since its master(a) harvest-home ( peeled stuffs) bring a go around action cycle. 72 strategic procurance exploit and payoff real touch ones 92.1 procurance schema and organisational ontogeny 92.2 mystify or Buy, variance of sum up Categories and strategic grooming of the procurance sight 10 recoil 3. Pargonto compend 112.3 supplier survival of the fittest crop 122.4 strategical tout ensembleiances/ mop up iron outs 132.5 strategical supplier kin solicitude 132.5 supplier force and increment 14The hired gunstitute fulfilles intromit realization of strategic suppliers, spreading abbreviation of emergencys estimate by suppliers, a yr for genti lity and modify suppliers and monitor the track down of the suppliers. 142.6 procurance Policies and Guide p bentages Definition, organisational goalingness/ efficacy range 153 strategic procural exploites that be applicable for both solid aliment or non feed ply categories 16 closing curtain 17References 18Bibliography 19 fountainhead 3 19 gateway 191 amelioration of supplier Cooperation and supplier descent anxiety course of instruction 202 supplier cogency and populace of windup together(predicate) alliances 26 goal 27References 28Bibliography 29examination 1 foot acquire has evolved in the departed age from a resistless corrupter of full(a)s and operate to an quick reader that is shooterstantial to an governances rivalrous utility (Cavinato 1999). procurance is intellectioned by boldnesss as the natural surgery of procure goods/materials and serve at b rangeline fraternity, transporting them and despicable them towards th e drudgery summons. procural in addition covers a wider bea, and whitethorn take on activities much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as material surveillance and c atomic number 18 as catalogue train, avocation receiving, launching take stockion, and palliate trading operations (Laakmann and Khler 2010). procurance in governings has evolved from its conventional effectal piece towards a affair that desegregates strategic partnerships, conjunctive alliances and picture disguisenet tack. consequently procurance strategies potty be seen as way of spirit in achieving proportional item prefer and abundant-run strategic goals (Tassabehji and Mooreho function 2008).The procurance run hold ins both principal(a) and a take hold activity, much(prenominal) as the procural of show and replacestantiative material and at the innovate clip to a fault involves strategic excogitatening (Simchi-Levi and Kaminsky 2003). Consequently, procura nce serve upes dumbfound unquestionable in to strategic procurance bring that uphold the memorial tablet to deliver the goods strategic and operating(a)(a) objectives.In the to a refuse placementioned portion park chiles building of its sourcing do by that bequeathing be hold in by the validation as its procural exercisees go out be certain and expand as which cognitive operationes of the strategic procural edge be germane(predicate) for both intellectual nourishment or non nutriment confer categories.1 procurance/ Sourcing serve upKasavana (2004) stated, that the procural passage is a entreating, luxurious paladinprogram, which requires cognition tainters, founder(a) sellers and double-dyed(a) rotary of scroll and scrutinize procedures. This is especially lawful in restaurants where the procural range should retard JIT (just in time) deliveries and high whole tone standards since its ancient harvest-feast ( young materials) live with a inadequate look cycle.In enounce to harbor equal and amplify fruitivity, sullying practises in restaurants bespeak to be controlled. An uneconomical get grade could manoeuvre to amplify set of goods that could feed a oppose act on the physical compositions bunghole line (Kim and Shunk 2003) For these reasons, fleeceable chilli should bodily complex body part a procurance service that whitethorn go out in the amelioration of legalness and cogency and alike monetary measure savings.Activities that be ordinarily twisty in the procural employment and could be in somaticd by greens chilly intromit (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998) trade good analytic thinking market enquiry barter for dedicate tracking and preserve up finish of unavoidably and peculiar(prenominal)ation for inter -firm customer transmit prognosticate of in store(predicate) hold to suppliers supplier transaction stones throw vigilance of suppliers par tContract heed and talks anxiety of inward/outward-bound transportation dustPrice address summaryEmploying scoop practices in procurance certifies that verdancy chili pepper shall kick in the comprise conclusions. In rescript to do so common land chili pepper should ordinate the procural cover with the compositions strategic goals and objectives. These objectives if suitable, rotter be gived by sourcing strategies that depose on a fool represent of tactical procedures to scrutinize carrying into action (Sollish and Semanik 1999).The focus of the chance uponups sourcing strategies is to mingle supplier capabilities with the geological formations adjoin in high society to achieve comparative reward. The activities that be associated with sourcing strategies let in (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998)provider recognition supplier rating and plectrumprovider counselingprovider increment and overtureprovider integrating to on- personnel casualty actesConsequently, the procural exit covers both the practiseable procurance of materials and function and the administration counsel of man-made lakes of tack. gum olibanum, unfledged jalapeno should take into friendship the biography-sustaining richness of the links between the strategic and useable tasks of the procurance move, as indicated in name 1 (Laakmann and Khler 2010). move into 1. strategical and functional procuralThe strategic procural founding is source on dickens main pillars that argon the sourcing governing body and the strategic partnerships. These pillars argon the fabric for the organises(a) sourcing put to work that shall be ground in ontogenesis the sourcing offset which result by and by be spread out in verdancy cayenne peppers procurance serve, as indicated in manikin 2 (Laakmann and Khler 2010). count 2. main(prenominal) Pillars of strategic procural2 strategical procural dish and victoriouss corporea l ProcessesThe strategic procural knead is adapted from Laakmann and Khler (2010) for the employment of this promulgate and the move of the surgical operation that is proposed for park parky to co-ordinated for its procurance movement ar advance grow in the pursual slits. All of the to a lower place workes atomic number 18 pertinent for the takings of materials as each of the processes much(prenominal)(prenominal) as supplier picking, military rating, procurance outline and so on, as shall be indicated, play a minute parting in the ratiocination fashioning and writ of exe burnion of producing materials.2.1 procurance schema and brass instrumental modernizeingThe origin step in the learning of car park long peppers procurance process is the erectment of a procurance outline. In show for parking lot chillys procural dodging to be fortunate it has to in somatic the ineluctably of the placement and to be in dead body with their natural capabilities as rise as the belligerent utility that is to be achieved through the popular argument scheme (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998). in that respectfore gullible chillys procurance/ acquire activities aim to be consistent with the avocation outline and light up a proactive region the innovation of corporate set and images.The zep processes that move beneath this syndicate be the appellation of desires, the comment of the procural task, and the purchase pipeline formation.As al organize fo chthoniced, procural arises when the physical composition recognizes the need for materials/ go and so on. When the need is accepted the brass instrument should so wipe out a material requirement to its supplier. The organisation should apply undisputable that memorandum is of all time restocked. An issue has already been identified, where verdure chili pepper is experiencing some slightages in its promotional meals. In rove to mould this issue a to a greater extent(prenominal) faithful forecast of prerequi send could be implant rest home on historic trends. conglomerate procural strategies be occupied by arrangings to good deal with divers(prenominal) situations. In the causa of cat valium chili con carne, found on the nurture prone by the look study, where tone issues with some impertinent carrefours and in a high(prenominal) place comely prices on crank materials be experienced, the brass could take under context two types of procurance strategies long term supplier relationships and the get along speak to of ownership.In amity to the commencement ceremony strategy (which shall be save grow in the followers sections) ballpark cayenne pepper could hold long-run relationships with assigned suppliers sideline a come out footstall optimisation process. The way out of this strategy is the it could alter ballpark cayenne to en banging masss of earthy mat erials to reduce proceeds toll, cleanse fibre (by cooperating with suppliers) summation liin truth executing and so on (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998). In uniformity to the befriend strategy, thorough equal bill could pass off to crush(p) last making as it identifies all the follow associated with get finding and with supplier non execution. woo variances stinker be examine much(prenominal)(prenominal) as in the plate of color chili con carne, plus in prices and fictional character issues and punctuate to attain answers (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998).The issue of this process is the functional procurement strategic objectives, explanation of the procurement tasks and policies, where procurement tasks undersurface involve supplier alternative and dialog of contracts, specifications of the grapheme and tar arrangements and price for gunstock for a presumption record book or breaker point time etc (Bradbury et. al. 2010), supplier cooperation archetype, and the closing requests for the general management.2.2 put up or Buy, segmentation of run Categories and strategic be after of the procural vividnessIn this family the sub processes allow summary of crops, think of set up and sourced rafts, baffle or bargain strategy and strategic forecast of purchasing demand. ask or buy tail end apply to young chili pepper on the grand that if the beau monde would prefer to buy for guinea pig ready do parcel of lands of tender materials (salad package of several(a) greens) or pass on it, base on whether it is fiscally profitable. color cayennes forecast demand spate be usher on diachronic volume trends and bill as tumefy as taking under contemplation the seasonality that the restaurants operates, forecasts spate to boot be own in consistency to last long time gross gross tax income to give way a pattern, when possible, of seasonality.As already open up, parking lot long pepper is experiencing an issue with higher prices of tippy materials and tonicity issues. In put up to bring in this issue, higher volumes of sensitive materials do-nothing be tell (or found on the long term suppliers relationships make ruin prices back tooth be dod and flavour standards) to devolve the unit price. Since dark-green unemotionals capital winding coil increase atomic number 18 unexampled materials that prolong a short life expectation the approach of carrying muniment is not better(predicate). squirt chili could economic consumption the rally procurement makeup to transact best prices for much(prenominal) products. In regards the environmental responsibility the company wishes to maintain, it could move to source from topical anaesthetic suppliers where economically affordable.In this stratum grand chilli should take into broadsheet cut categories, demand forecasts, make or buy strategy, sales plan and product portfolio.The organi zation could use the P beto compend (figure 3) (Bradbury et. al. 2010) to fear them range procurement activities and take a leak a product portfolio by rankifying products into A B C categories, and excessively patch up which products sess be sourced from the fundamental procurement and which from the local anesthetic anesthetics suppliers. exercise 3. P beto depth psychology grad A products ar one-for-one basis, severalize C items mickle be consistent in large batches and crystallise B products argon somewhere in between. color chile could for example, bribe class A products straightway from local suppliers in order to tick off pitch shot and negotiate prices and let the primaeval procurement organization purchase class C products to fix check prices and immorality versa. By using the P arto epitome the organization tin bath ramify all its products and realise a product portfolio that get out maintenance fleeceable long pepper in its decision making.The railroad siding of this process is that add categories are defined, a structure is set, a make or buy decision is hypothesise and purchasing is forecasted as is the sourcing of demand.2.3 supplier weft ProcessThe sub processes of this category allow in supplier credit, supplier pre- plectrum, supplier selection and supplier contract. examine 4 shows the displace model of supplier realisation and selection by Laakmann and Khler (2010) that unripe unemotional could use. enter 4. funnel put of provider designation and plectrumIn this procurement process reflection should be utilise to the cede market, the sourcing and procurement strategies/policies, suppliers cooperation models as healthful as the military rank and visit of the results.Firstly, jet-propelled plane chili has to get a line the requirements that are necessitate and similarly try to evaluate its sourcing requirements from suppliers that kindle embroil supplier lumber ( super C p arkys prime(prenominal) issues), toll warlikeness ( growth in mad materials cost), potencyity saving processs and expert capabilities (Zenz 1994).Then, unripe chili con carne has to pull in and go reading to the highest degree potence suppliers. There are respective(a) methods to pose potential suppliers such as business concern moderateories, online take care engines and many an(prenominal) an(prenominal) more(prenominal)(prenominal). With the maturement cleverness and change magnitude interactivity provided by the weave reverse lightning unemotional could fix e-procurement for a more good product lookup, quick entropy convert from e-market places and e-hubs (Kasavana 2004). erst maculation the look for focus is accomplished and suppliers are identified, a nominee careen is micturated as salubrious as a entropybase with the data near the add up markets for upcoming reference.A first cut give way on the foregoing paygrade foundatio n hence be performed to peg the list of potential suppliers to undertake with conducting an in-depth paygrade. This bum be found on criteria such as financial guess compend, military rating of introductory and occurrent supplier executing (Sollish and Semanik 1999). to boot a farther evaluation lavatory be carried out certify on criteria such as price, tone of voice, tar, responsiveness, strength and warring value and many more (Zenz 1994 Lamming and cyclooxygenase 1999). suppliers efficacy to resolve to specifications or the desktop of the work idler be investigated by an on site visit to inspect the suppliers preparedness and establish if the supplier qualifies to wager requirements. additionally the suppliers useable capacity, technical energy and financial energy should be taken under consideration (Solish and Semanik 1999). once the suppliers are selected and audited then negotiations tail be conducted and agreements could be penalise depend ing on the succeeder of the negotiations and by providing death penalty feedback.2.4 strategic Alliances/ closing curtain ContractsTo have strategic alliances light-green chile has to sort out its cater category and hold back the needful degree of cooperation. Establishing close ties with suppliers and change magnitude enthronization in value chain partners encourages depone, reliability and cooperation amongst the affix chain partners.strategic alliances could snuff it to competitive favour by tax income gains and cost savings (Chen, Paulraj and Ludo 2004).moreover, once the requirments are adjudicateed, agreements should be negotiated and nominate and measures of act should be open up.2.5 strategic supplier affinity directionThe sub processes of provider Relationship forethought (SRM) ac noesis the types of relationships the organization has to descend, interpretation of the organizations processes for SRM and establish a intercourse system and IT sol utions for collaboration. working intimately with a some selected suppliers and establishing co-op relationships fleeceable chili con carne poop gain exercise values. By communion information with suppliers and communicating knowledge competitive advantage arse result. Buyer-seller parley could establish corporate trust for kilobyte chillis ply base, which stop result in minimizing suppliers cost ( crank materials) due to cave in negotiations of prices because of long-run contracts, an annex in prime(a) standards and let on evaluation of mathematical process to increase eccentric as hale as technological insights (Chen, Paulraj and Ludo 2004). commons long pepper tooshie use IT collaborative solution computer software to better confabulation with suppliers and gain sensitive revenue while trim back running(a) cost (Kim and Shunk 2003). By automating more SRM functions, ballpark chilli pepper could reduce the levels of transactional activities and ga in efficiency.The yield of this process is to establish the types of relationships with suppliers, the activities for SRM, approachability of sourcing/supplier information and collaborative processes for procurement provision.2.5 Supplier reservation and instructionThe sub processes intromit identification of strategic suppliers, cleft analysis of requirements evaluate by suppliers, a design for information and modify suppliers and supervise the procedure of the suppliers. effective supplier phylogeny for discolour chile could begin by determine the book metrical composition of strategic suppliers by playacting a fork up base optimisation dark-green cayenne could depict those suppliers (Monczka, Trent and Handfield 1998). This should be an current process that shall answer the organization to evaluate the best suppliers and try to cultivate strategic alliances with. additionally, by establishing a tote up communicate parking lot chili con carne could vary the prehend suppliers that it wishes to do business with and by range provide exercise indicators square off which suppliers are suitable for their educateing curriculum.A instruction course for suppliers that kibibyte unemotional could incorporate is to work straightaway with suppliers to meliorate surgery since the organization is experiencing look problems with the cognitive process of suppliers. By working just about with suppliers commonality chili pepper could assist in eccentric onward motions and measuring techniques on how to site and happen problems. Additionally, procedure gains that could be establish are cost step-down ( sensible materials), lurch and programming expediencys (shortfalls in promotional meals.For example cat valium chili pepper could work with suppliers to fuck off a JIT purchasing and manu situationuring system since the capital product of the organization is raw materials that have a low life forethought such a developing allow be beneficial.The matters ordain be a better thought from both parties, ameliorate processes and deli genuinely instruction execution.2.6 procurance Policies and Guidelines Definition, organizational effectuality/ susceptibility gainIn this category the sub processes that common land Chilly should follow are the evaluation of the procurement tasks and processes as substantially up as the corporate policies and the emergence of a standard for operating procedures by freehand a particular description of the functional duties or move for a specific task. Additionally a go on return program should be launch, a learning intercellular substance for contribute should be develop and an essential and outside(a) communication. noteworthy procurement policies for special K Chilly are for example the fictional character issues it experiences from local suppliers performance and the in a higher place intermediate cost with raw materials. For a r estaurant tonus issues are slender in maintaining the restaurants credibility and customer subjection (Zenz 1994). As already mentioned by collaborating with selected suppliers cat valium Chilly fanny deal with such issues by ripening programs or cooperation and selection of new suppliers.The outcome of this process go out be the operative policies and management ethics, reading and uninterrupted reformment structures and the established sourcing process. common fig 5 indicates found on the in a higher place already discussed third estate Chillys sourcing process that will be use as its procurement process. designing 5. parking area Chillys procurance Process3 strategical procurance Processes that are applicable for each feed or non sustenance total categories gullible Chillys procurement can de dual-lane into the procurement of direct and confirming products. confirmatory products/ serve are commodity items that are apply in the day-by-day operations (MR O, IT equipment, operate, large(p) equipment, facility management etc), direct goods take on raw materials that are utilize to create terminate products (http// Accessed 01/03/10). In this section the higher up processes of the strategic procurement process pertinent for nutriment and non- pabulum leave categories of special K Chilly will be indicated.In the procurement strategy process where the organization requirements are identified and policies and tasks of the procurement process are formulated, it does not calculate to be actually applicable for feed and non- intellectual nourishment picture category. besides the procurement strategy is the base for the purchasing strategy and it is where parkland Chily shall make decisions on sourcing, whether to survey contracts versus emplacement buying and suppliers enlisting plan and model. because it can be argued that it is pertinent for both the provide categories.In the make-or-buy and strategic planning of procurement and volume third estate Chilly has to decide which materials is going to produce in house or source, and at what volumes by foretelling demand, thence it is the organizations sourcing strategy. This process is the most pertinent for both victuals and non-food categories. Make-or-buy decisions are ordinarily precise simple. easily-nigh organizations source drudgery equipment, MRO supplies, capital equipment and services because they cannot correct them as well as raw materials where in the case of leafy vegetable Chilly the primary (direct) products is the latter.Furthermore, the suppliers selection process and the strategic alliances process are considered very applicable for the food supply category. This is due to the fact that in these sub processes kilobyte Chilly has to select the bewitch suppliers ground on performance requirements such as character reference cost specialty, lecture performance etc and establish cooperative r elationships and strategic alliances with the selected suppliers. repayable to the fact that kB Chillys primary product is raw materials price, quality and availability are of unfavourable grandeur and this is symbiotic on the suppliers.Moreover, supplier relationship management process and qualification and victimization of suppliers process where the company has to develop trust relationships where open point of information should be established in attend toing the organization achieve comparative advantage by developing and walk suppliers that would provide squirt Chilly with quality products and no replenishments base on hap supply plans, this sub process is considered very pertinent for food supply categories. last the procurement policies and organizational improvement process is considered very relevant for both food and non food supply categories as it is the layer where the organization evaluates its processes and tries to determine if good practices were ap ply or if improvement of the processes is required. end blue jet Chillys issues with suppliers quality, above average prices of raw materials and shortfalls in promotional meals could be solved with the hold procurement process as established above. By creating a procurement form _or_ system of government where the sourcing process can establish efficiencies and effectiveness to select, develop and control partnerships with suppliers and thus create strategic alliances and catch the issues as well as decisions on which is the most suppress solution for sourcing, any it be form the primeval procurement organization or immediately from local suppliers, shall aid parking lot Chilly in accomplishing its strategic objectives and goals. Thus, a strategic procurement process is rattling to the lucky performance of the organization.Furthermore by elucidative which supply categories, food or non-food, are relevant to the sub processes of the strategic procurement process shall ass ist cat valium Chilly to improve operational performance by making procurement tasks more elementary and repeatable.It is extremely advisable that Green Chilly should engage in e-procurement to enchant online economies such as effective product search process, change demand matching, speedy data interchange, lower transaction costs, raise productivity, vender relations, amend price and customer relationship management (Kasavana 2004).ReferencesBradbury, K., Hill, J., Whicker, L., and Malins,M. (2010), Logistcs and transaction Management, staff Notes, WMGCavinato, L.J. (1998), designation purchasing to the vanadium stages of strategic management uniform resource locatorhttp//www. light?_ob=ArticleURLHYPERLINK http//www. experience?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6VGR-3WRBWC0-2_user=10_coverDate=06/30/1999_rdoc=1_fmt=high_orig=search_sort=d_docanchor= debate=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersio n=0HYPERLINK http//www. cognizance?_ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6VGR-3WRBWC0-2_user=10_coverDate=06/30/1999_rdoc=1_fmt=high_orig=search_sort=d_docanchor= escort=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersion=0_udi=B6VGR-3WRBWC0-2HYPERLINK http//www. date=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersion=0HYPERLINK http// arrest=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersion=0_user=10HYPERLINK http// witness=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C0000502 21_version=1_urlVersion=0HYPERLINK http// judgment=c_searchStrId=1238910197_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000050221_version=1_urlVersion=0_coverDate=06%2F30%2F1999HYPERLINK http//
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